Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Purposes of Life (Let's Go to Jannah)

Life is divided into three parts: past, present and future. Everyone in this world has purposes of life in themselves. They are always trying, struggling, praying and also learning about anything to realize their future dreams. This time, I want to share what my purpose of life.
Commonly, the most essential in my future plan is getting happiness in the world and the hereafter. I really want to go Jannah and make my parents, my family, my friends, my future husband and children, and all of human being in the world can go to Jannah. Actually, I don't have stronger ambition to became career woman, really!!! but I hope, I will be able to continue my study because I really want to be a smart woman who has many experiences and knowledge about good everything especially all of knowledge about islam.
If Alloh allows me to continue my studying, I will take urban and regional planning engineering again or transport engineering. I am really love with the things where I would be useful for many people insha Alloh.
Why I should try? why I should study? Why I should pray? Because I have reason to become the stronger woman every day. Some people might be playacting, spending time and work hard, but really, each I will go to bed every night, I always ask myself “What I become closer to God today?”
I also have a desire like other children in this world that want to make their parents getting happiness. But, I sometimes wonder. With what they make their parents get happiness? With money? Achievement? Big house? Cost of Hajj? Okay, your parents would have been happy but you’re too focused on trying to give the world happiness for your parents then you forget to correct yourself and burdem them with your bad deeds in the hereafter. What is more valuable in this life? Open your mind -____-
Guys, the highest standar of Muslim’s life is essential thing to become the better person and make ourself to near with Allah. More and more. Everyone including young generation until old person, have to realize their purpose. So, don’t wait anymore, don’t waste a lot of time, begin the second guys, we must try to prepare ourself to become Jannah inhabitant together. Aamiin..

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